Translation Requests

Do you have a favorite song in Spanish that needs English translation? Maybe there is a short greeting card message in English that you would like to translate into Spanish?

I posted my first translation of lyrics in English for Aventura's song El Malo. It has received a lot of hits while quickly reaching its way to #1 in Google search results for "el malo lyrics in english".

I enjoy translating lyrics and greeting card messages, so if you have a lyric or a letter that you'd like to translate into Spanish leave me a comment below or contact me here. I can't wait to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post.Thank you for your kindness.The Spanish translation can be more complex than the mere conversion of words and you actually has something more to share.That is why I can't see machines taking over the jobs of human translators in the near future, as they have done with so many other professions (remember telephone operators?)


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